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Big Padlock aims to reduce some of the stress and offer solutions for the moving of your belongings. 

A shift in family dynamic?

Families come in all shapes and sizes, and they’re constantly changing along with their storage needs. Whether this be a new addition, or the death of a loved one, changes in your family dynamic can be testing. Whilst storage might not be of the highest priority during these times, it is something to consider. Our storage units provide convenient storage to keep your loved one’s items safe and secure whilst you take on transition, be it a divorce, separation or a bereavement; giving you valuable thinking time and a chance to determine which items you’d like to keep in a storage unit rental or which to eventually part with.

With around the clock security monitoring and a unique pin assigned to each storage unit rental, you will have peace of mind knowing your items are safe and secure, and also accessible at the drop of a hat.

A new member of the family

Having a baby is a wonderful and exciting time, but it also means making some changes in your life, particularly around your home. Just because there’s a new baby on the way, it doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy a bigger house. It’s all about thinking about the storage space you have and how you use it. Start with a clean slate and get organised – you’ll be surprised at how much storage a tiny human needs.

Our storage unit rentals are also great for those thinking about adding another family member later down the line. Hand-me-downs offer an easy way for families to save on the outlay of having a child, and those prized first clothes will often have sentimental value in years to come. Rather than attempting to find convenient storage in the depths of your dusty loft or garage, why not store the items your baby has grown out of with a storage space to rent, where they will be ready and waiting for your next arrival. Consider packing items into our storage cardboard boxes so they’re not only tidily stored away in a clean environment, but also easy to move when the time comes to take them out of storage.


The kids are flying the nest

It’s that time of year again, when your beloved children fly the nest and start the exciting chapter of their lives that is university. Whilst having the house to yourself provides a golden opportunity to declutter and sort through their belongings, not everything is worth a charity trip. There will be some items with sentimental value that you may want to keep hold of. Instead of keeping them in the house and clogging up space, consider moving items into a storage unit rental just for the university years. It’s out of the way and safely stored, but can be retrieved at whenever you wish. Getting these items out of the house and into a storage unit will not only mean they are protected and don’t end up gathering dust, it’ll also free up a spare bedroom for when you host guests and family members. Best of all, with Big Yellow Self Storage space to rent, you can grant as many or as few people as you require access to your storage room, meaning you and your child (and any other family members) can access the items as and when they need. Just let us know when you set up the account and we’ll get it all organised for you.

Short term storage for over the summer

Are you a student heading home at the end of term? Whether your home is a flight away, or a short train ride, it’s a lot easier to keep your things safe in a storage unit rental, instead of taking it home only to carry it back when you return in September. We have large lockers and storage units of various sizes where you can store all your stuff. It’s your storage space so you can come and go as you like and you’ll even get a key and a personal PIN number too.

For those embarking on a longer adventure, maybe a gap year or a travelling stint before entering the big wide world of work, you might also think about storage space for rent for your possessions. Whilst you may be travelling the world living out of a single backpack, you will need to consider what is going to happen with the rest of your stuff – because in all likelihood, there won’t be any convenient storage back at mum and dad’s.