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Big Padlock aims to reduce some of the stress and offer solutions for the moving of your belongings. 

Short term storage for flexibility and freedom to explore

Travelling brings with it a sense of liberation, especially when things you leave behind are organised in a storage place where everything is secure. Reaching that point of liberation, however, can take some doing. Luckily, this is where self storage units can really help you get ready for a trip. It’s a much safer option than putting valuables in a friend’s garage or basement where they might get damp or damaged.

Self storage units are available in many different sizes, but remember that organising a storage room effectively will help you pack much more in the space. You can disassemble furniture, for instance, and stack boxes safely (biggest at the bottom) to easily read what’s in them.

Aside from practical packing for economy and security, our flexible storage unit terms make it easy to extend or shorten your self storage contract. This is a bonus for anyone on an extended trip, as it lets you be a little more relaxed concerning return dates.

Travel for work or leisure using storage

Whether you’re travelling for pleasure or taking a work contract abroad, it can be an expensive undertaking. An easy way to make money go a little further is by renting out your home, or your room, while you’re away.

Short term storage offers a practical solution to the question of what to do with personal belongings while someone else lives in your space. Organising your stored items logically makes retrieving them when you return much easier too. Label your storage boxes precisely, writing ‘duvet covers and sheets’, for instance, rather than ‘linens’, which could include tea towels or tablecloths. Also, think about what you’ll need first when you get back, and put these items closest to the door of your self storage place.

Whether you offer a short term let on your home or not, popping your personal possessions in our purpose-built self storage facilities gives you peace of mind that your valuables are safely under lock and key. With a personal PIN and alarms on each storage room, all your possessions will stay exactly as you left them.

Clever gap year storage solutions

For gap year students, travelling can sometimes present a bit of a logistical puzzle, especially if your Uni is not in your home town. An ideal solution is to take advantage of self storage facilities in your university town, stowing your personal gear or books and equipment while you’re away. Everything stays in one storage place, ready and waiting for the start of the next term. We even have small storage lockers if you just want to secure expensive (and heavy to carry) reference books.

Whether you’re planning a gap year, a sabbatical or a working contract, self storage open doors and make travel possible. Our convenient storage locations are easy to get to, and we provide everything you need in the form of trolleys, lifts and easy parking to make physically moving items as effortless as possible.

Luggage storage

When you’re not on an adventure your suitcases need to be stored safely out of the way. Consider luggage storage in one of our storage facilities for these in-between times. We have a variety of smaller storage units with easy access seven days a week.

So with self storage, there’s no reason not to hit the road (or the skies).